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A Brief History of Industrial Organizational Psychology
A Brief History of Industrial Organizational Psychology

Psychologists study human behavior, seeking to understand what the internal and external factors are that lead to that behavior, and well-being. Industrial Organizational Psychology has its roots in the early 1900’s where interest sparked in working organizations and the industrial revolution, which brought about the framework for groups of people working on a regular basis together in structured time frames and work tasks. Initial workplace focus was on processes, such as how to increase efficiency in a production line. Even in the latter part of the early 1900s interest in the people side (organizational) of the workplace was evident. Work stress and boundaries with home became evident in the 60’s and 70’s. As technology progressed the ability to work physically outside the organization and at any time brought new challenges to work/non-work interfaces as well the current trend toward global markets (globalization). Throughout this journey the science of I/O psychology has developed, seeking to understand and benefit both people and process as it pertains to work through evidence-based research.

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ioPSYte® Origins
ioPSYte® Origins

Hello and sincere thanks for visiting this ioPSYte® origins bio!

I pursued psychology as a passion in my undergrad education 20+ years ago. In 2016, I made a life changing decision and sold my first business. I finished my undergrad obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, and then went straight on to earn a Master of Arts and then my PhD in applied psychology with an industrial organizational focus (I/O). I have empathy and compassion for those who are broken-hearted in their work. Perhaps some need to change the nature of their work or perhaps they need to change their environment. In both cases I am driven to help reduce inner conflict for the individual and team to improve their job satisfaction and job performance! It is out of this empathy and passion that ioPSYte® originates.

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The ioPSYte® Mission, Vision, Values
The ioPSYte® Mission, Vision, Values

As people connect and communicate, they desire to know one another’s intent. There is task-based intent as far as outcomes are concerned. For example, what does this person hope to get out of our business interaction? On a deeper level, however, there is always the question of human connection, that is, what does this person intend toward the other personally? Through mission statement, vision statement, and values statement, ioPSYte® intent is expressed transparently.

The ioPSYte® Mission

To increase leader and team productivity through research-driven training and consulting. 

The ioPSYte® Vision

To be the premier U.S. Science Practitioner employer and People Wizard company by 2032, making a Science Practitioner available to every U.S. organization.

The ioPSYte® Values

Pillars of Prioritization for Excellence


  1. Principles before Profits
  2. People before Progress
  3. Compassion before Perfection

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Why an External Science Practitioner Consult?
Why an External Science Practitioner Consult?

When persons are vested in their organizations they are emotionally and mentally influenced by their organization. They are part of what is called the ingroup, they are part of the culture, they are socialized. As such, their decisions are impacted by their standing and day to day involvement. They are also focused on the tasks of the organization. The external Science Practitioner can care for the organization’s members while acting as a free agent to effect beneficial change with a reduced bias and diminished social influence from the organization. In short, an external Science Practitioner can approach the organization with an increasingly rational perspective because their focus is the needed outcome versus the completion of the day-to-day tasks with all their social dynamics.

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ioPSYte® and Future Contribution
ioPSYte® and Future Contribution

Evolving markets and technology will continue providing exponential global opportunity for research in the workplace. With information readily available via the internet, the need for empirically based evidence is paramount as organizations seek to sustain themselves by providing workplaces that both serve the individual’s need for meaningful occupations and the organization’s vision. Over the next 20 years, as employees are now consumers choosing where they work and for which leaders, organizations will realize the value of evidence-based consulting and training. They will seek it out, recognizing that not all information is acquired, created, and implemented equally. Organizations who see employees as internal customers will pervade. Evidence-based training and consulting are to become the new gold standard. Industrial Organizational Psychology (IOP) will be as common as the term Information Technology (IT). As IT is to computer technician so will IOP be to Science Practitioner. By 2025 ioPSYte® will incorporate a research division to serve its clients with cutting edge science and to contribute to the IOP (Industrial Organizational Psychology) consortium at large.