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Why Research?
Why Research?

Basing organization strategy and effort on research drastically increases successful outcomes. What has worked for a variety of 100 organizations is more impactful than what has worked for 1 high profile person or organization.

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Science & Technology
Science & Technology

Evolving markets and technology will continue providing exponential global opportunity for research in the workplace. With information readily available via the internet, the need for empirically based evidence is paramount as organizations seek to sustain themselves by providing workplaces that both serve the individual’s need for meaningful occupations and the organization’s vision. Over the next 20 years, as employees are now consumers choosing where they work and for which leaders, organizations will realize the value of evidence-based consulting and training. They will seek it out, recognizing that not all information is acquired, created, and implemented equally. Organizations who see employees as internal customers will pervade. Evidence-based training and consulting are to become the new gold standard.

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Why research with ioPSYte®?
Why research with ioPSYte®?

Psychology is the study of the human psyche and behavior. Psychology is a science meaning that it is grounded in the rigor of the scientific method. Psychologists study human cognition and behavior with intelligence and control. A Science Practitioner applies the measurable science of work psychology to the workplace. Science Practitioners help integrate the benefit of the evidence-based research of organizations and their members in practical and effective application. Empirical research is foundational to everything that ioPSYte® does for the organization.


Human beings are complex and social creatures. Human complexities and myriads of other variables are native to the workplace. If you have ever decided something regarding yourself and a work team and it did not play out as you expected, you can appreciate the complexity of attempting to predict outcomes that have both impactful and enduring ramifications on the organization and its members. Making decisions based on research drastically increases successful probabilities. Science Practitioners not only rely on research but are educated in the psychology of person and group ensuring that both individual and social dynamics are considered. People are unique, but under certain environmental conditions and in response to those stimuli there are recognizable patterns. Knowing how these patterns emerge and what independent and moderating variables to effect are key to astute progress. Basing our decisions on research and particularly meta-analyses, ioPSYte® can help you gain the momentum you need to produce the culture and performance you require.

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Why is research valuable to my organization?
Why is research valuable to my organization?

Human beings are complex and social creatures. Human complexities and myriads of other variables are inherent to the workplace. If you have ever decided something regarding yourself and a work team and it did not play out as you expected you can appreciate the intricacy of attempting to predict outcomes that have both impactful and enduring ramifications on the organization and its members. Making decisions based on research drastically increases successful probabilities. Further, Science Practitioners not only rely on research but are educated in the psychology of person and group ensuring that both individual and social dynamics are considered. People are unique, but under certain environmental conditions and in response to those stimuli there are recognizable patterns. Knowing how these patterns emerge and what independent and moderating variables to effect are key to astute progress. Base your decisions on research and particularly meta-analyses. ioPSYte® can help you gain the momentum you need to produce the culture and performance you require.